Several companies have directly explored the concept of streaming video games over the internet to players in the past. Now, the industry leader in streaming services, Netflix, is also considering giving it a shot. Netflix’s Vice President of Gaming, Mike Verdu, indicated that the company was “seriously exploring a cloud gaming offering.” He did, however, indicate that Netflix is expanding its efforts in game production by building an in-house studio in the area around Los Angeles. This is the company’s sixth studio; just last month, Netflix opened a branch in Helsinki, Finland, led by a former Zynga GM.  Verdu also shared that former Blizzard Entertainment producer Chacko Sonny will be leading Netflix’s upcoming California studio. As the legal disputes between Activision and Blizzard continued to mount in September 2021, Sonny decided to leave Blizzard. Netflix has stated 14 games are now being developed within its own studios, with an additional 35 games already available on the platform. Verdu claims to have 55 games currently “in flight.” In addition to games based on licenced properties like “SpongeBob SquarePants,” there are also games based on original intellectual property like “Stranger Things.”