The series has successfully intrigued the players and made a loyal fan base around the globe. Sony also knows the value of the Horizon series as a PlayStation exclusive and has been offering fans something new to experience with each part.  Horizon Forbidden West is the latest installment in the franchise, which was released in February 2022. The game was promising, with a good storyline and detailed plot comprising unique combat styles like stealth, ranged, and melee weapons making it a more immersive experience.  The visuals of Horizon Forbidden West were also appreciated. It lets the player explore the majestic open world populated with many tribes. It is expected that Horizon Forbidden West will follow the pattern of its predecessor regarding DLC.  Horizon Zero Dawn got an expansion around 8 months after its release, and the same scenario is expected with Horizon Forbidden West. Lance Reddick, who plays the character of Sylens in the game, last month tweeted a video of a mocap session for Horizon Forbidden West (now deleted) which further backs the rumors of a DLC in the works for Horizon Forbidden West. Rumors! Rumors! Everywhere The rumors around the Horizon series didn’t stop at a new DLC only. This week many rumors about Horizon Series getting a multiplayer mode and a remastered version of Horizon Zero Dawn were circulating the internet. It all started when an alleged document containing Sony’s future games was leaked on 4Chan.  It was shared privately with many journalists and publishers. Various reputable websites like MP1st and Gemastu corroborated the rumors confirming that there is a document containing information about future Horizon games and updates. 

Publishers Fueled the Fire!

MP1st, while reporting about the remastered version of Horizon Zero Dawn and a Co-op multiplayer mode in the Horizon series, wrote; Similarly, Gemastu also reported about a leaked document: Two sources have verified that the project is real, with a third giving some brief details that may feature a form of co-op. Customization is said to be around the different tribes established in the Horizon franchise, however, we have not been able to verify either that, nor the details on whether or not the online would feature any sort of co-op, or PvP.

The Alleged Document is Public Now! (Apparently)

Apparently, the alleged document has now been leaked publicly and contains all the rumored information. Gematsu was able to independently verify several titles listed in the document with multiple sources familiar with their development, including the Horizon titles. If the above document is accurate (game’s titles are the same we reported previously ), it will be fair to assume that Guerilla Games is indeed working on a multiplayer mode for the Horizon series. According to Gamerant, if true, the multiplayer mode could include the aspect of exploring the tribes, customizing your character as far as choosing your tribe in the game;

Choosing Your Tribe In Horizon Multiplayer Game

 In Horizon Forbidden West, Aloy, the protagonist of the story, embarks on a journey toward a region called Forbidden West to find the mystery behind a fatal plague. While on her journey, Aloy interacts with different tribes living in the Old World.  There are five tribes in the game, each with distinct culture and morals. If the rumors about a Horizon Multiplayer Game are true, Guerrilla Games can possibly explore the culture and politics of the existing tribes or can even expand to new tribes.  In addition, there are endless possibilities to incorporate the idea of Co-op in the series. Fans have been waiting for a multiplayer mode in the series since the franchise’s start and are still optimistic about the game’s future.  These new rumors have just fueled fans’ demand for a multiplayer mode in the game, and they are eagerly waiting for any leak or official announcement from the developers. The idea of customizing your character and choosing your tribe is very intriguing and makes a personal connection of the player with the game.  The idea is not bad and, if implemented right, could do wonders for the game and would be a treat for awaiting fans. Various journalists and reputable sites have corroborated the claims of a multiplayer game for the Horizon franchise, but there is no official confirmation about the mode being in development.  Therefore, we would suggest you take all these rumors and speculations with a big grain of salt until further updates about the situation. It is crucial for the fans to understand the concept of projects being ”canceled,” even if something is in development and is heavily rumored, there is also a chance of it getting canceled.  Still, we will keep you updated upon receiving any further information about the Horizon series. Until then, let us know your thoughts about these rumors. If true, Are you excited to explore the Old World with your friends?  

Latest Rumors Suggest You Could Choose Tribe in Horizon Co op - 92